

  • Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Node.js

    published 2.10.7 3 years ago
  • The AutoRest tool generates client libraries for accessing RESTful web services. Input to AutoRest is an OpenAPI spec that describes the REST API.

    published 3.7.1 10 months ago
  • Q promises wrapper for the Azure DocumentDB Node.js SDK

    published 1.6.0 8 years ago
  • Azure Cosmos DB Service Node.js SDK for SQL API

    published 1.15.3 6 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Common Client Library for node

    published 0.9.27 3 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Service Bus Service Library for node

    published 0.11.2 3 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for node for back compat with older versions of node sdk

    published 0.11.2 4 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.0-pre.6 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Gallery Client Library for node

    published 2.0.0-pre.20 8 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Monitoring Client Library for node

    published 0.10.6 6 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Network Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.17 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for node

    published 2.0.0-pre.17 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Scheduler Client Library for node

    published 0.10.4 6 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Scheduler Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.1-pre.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.17 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Store Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Subscription Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure WebSite Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.16 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure WebSite Management Client Library for node

    published 0.9.0-pre.10 9 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Client Library for node

    published 2.3.1-preview 6 years ago
  • Microsoft Azure Client Library in node for miscellaneous items

    published 0.2.14 7 years ago
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