[3.0.26] Prepare for npm usage. Special integration for matrix engine 1.9.0 Thunder.
published version 3.0.29, a year ago2d canvas game engine based on Matter.ts 2D physics engine for the web supported with realtime communication, backend node.js/mongoDB and visual GUI tool 2d map creator/python3, visual-ts correspondent with mongoDB [Its not only for games you have basic
published version 1.0.0, a month agoSpriteAnimation CPU/texture solution added, Improved notify box UI. Test netPos Offset ; dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(net-ready, {}, HOT FIX for npm [2.0.4 BETA] Implementing new networking based on kurento/OpenVidu service. [1.9.58]Timeline improved [1
published version 2.2.14, 3 days agoMulti touch handler, preparing for npm service.
published version 2.0.4, a month agoBase version, fixed import and readme.
published version 0.0.5, 3 years agoBased on block detect samples of webcam surface. nui commander support msgbox yes/no, ...
published version 0.0.8, a year agoNidza.js is ultimate canvas2d+3d solution. In context of 3d graphics it is used for GLSL manipulation. Objective is low CPU usage price.
published version 1.2.21, a year agofix readme 1.2.5, adding simple recorder on index.html like example [dev]. Adding new arg options,From method to class.Save context from canvas to the mp4 video, save file can be automatic without initial click but audio context must be after first click.
published version 1.2.7, 3 years agoYour own Micro service running. Return Public IP Address.
published version 1.0.0, 3 years agoUltimate web app perfomance. Tech: Based on Template Literals & CustomEvents - adapted for sandbox
published version 1.2.17, 6 months agoNetworking server part for matrix-engine 1.9.27
published version 1.0.12, a year agowebGPU powered pwa application. Crazy fast rendering with AmmoJS physics support.
published version 1.0.6, 10 months agoNPM Module - load opencvjs lib and create middle app part for better handling...
published version 1.0.3, 7 months ago