
1.0.24 • Public • Published


Proactive repairing of memory leaks in Single Page Applications

Installation and Usage

  1. Since LeakPair is an npx command tool, the only requirement for running it is to ensure you have Node installed in your system. LeakPair support node versions >= 14.  

    • On Windows and Mac

      Visit the official Node website and follow the instructions for your OS. This will install the latest version of Node on your system. This will also install the Node Package Manager (npm) and the node packages executor (npx) on your system. Check their successful installation with node -v, npm -v, and npx -v respectively.  

    • On Linux based systems

      Use the command sudo apt install npm. This will automatically install node, npm , and npx. However, the installed node version will be v12.22.9, while LeakPair require at least version 14. For that, install a node version manager globally on your system: npm install -g n

      Now you can use n 14.0.0 to install the supported version. Note that you can replace this version with any version higher than 14,  including n latest

  2. Once the supported version of node is installed, you can run LeakPair with the command npx leakpair [path] where path is the absolute path of the repository or file that you wish to repair for memory leaks. Note that LeakPair only supports .js, .jsx, .ts and .tsx files. That is, if you provide the path to a repository, it will only filter and process files with these extensions.

  3. By default, LeakPair will log the memory leak and repair statistics directly in the CLI. However, if you wish to store it in a file format, you can provide an optional argument for the output path: npx leakpair [path-of-project-to-repair] [path-for-output]

Example npx leakpair /Users/arooba/roosterjs  /Users/arooba/Desktop
In this case, an output.txt file will be generated containing the leaks and repair statistics of roosterjs, in the user's Desktop directory.

Example of LeakPair's output log in CLI

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  • arooba-npm